Night and Day - Sunday , January 23 , 2005 - Two bounty hunters. One challenge.


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Sorry it took me so long to update the comic - now we have finished 3 of 4 rooms of our new flat, but it's still much work left. Next week we're going to move there and I don't know how long it will take to get back to the net. Thank you to all readers staying with Night & Day up to today - I'm really your fan. Due to my lack of time the comic will update only sundays at the moment, but I hope after I have finished this semester and the moving, I could be back in business as the last year.Comic

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Have a look at the new dropdown located under the calendar. I recently joined 'KeenQuest', a dropdown list for comics with characters actively on a quest. And I think if you liked Night & Day, you shold have a look on all the fine other comics, too :)

Finally I had the time to finish my update of the cast-page with new pictures of all four main characters. What do you think, should I add some more information about the other characters like Ril, the pilots and crewmen at the Claw and other supporting roles? :) Tell me your opinion in the shoutbox ...

Well, two days to go to my 25th birthday ... I really start to feel old. *grin* At 10th october the second chapter of Night & Day will start - I hope you will have as much fun as I have drawing the new storyline. The design has changed, too - normally I don't like black backgrounds for webpages, but this must work until I have a better idea. How do you like it? :)

Yay ... finally free from university - for two months. I did some new wallpapers - as promised - and there are several guest strips/fanarts for other comics in the 'art' section. So be sure you check them out and have fun ... :)

Finally, after seven days, I'm back to business and not ill anymore - god I hate to be sick, but this summer is no summer here in germany after all, so we have much rain and cold weather, the ideal constellation to catch a cold. I'm working at some outtakes and two new wallpapers, and I hope I get them ready to the outtakes start.
You will enjoy then some guest strips and fanart from mcduffies, Role of the Die, MINDMISTRESS and decypher so far, and I still hope to get something from other artists, too.

I have added some new comics and links to my art on the net on my links page, and there are two recent polls in the Night & Day forum, so be sure you check them out. I'm really looking forward to the end of chapter one and the outtakes *smiles*


Two new pictures for HRCC and a new forum for Night & Day - it took several weeks but being patient counts at last. The new forum is part of the community and I hope it will attract some new readers to this comic and proivde additional service for all regular readers :) hope you like it.


The first four pictures of the Historical Romance Comic Crossover event were added and I sent a guest strip to Roland Lowery, the author artist of 'Role of the Die' that will show up in the week of it's 50th strip anniversary - after that I'll add it up in the art section.
Well, I have to do some extra work on the pages for the next time, the new inking style kills time *smiles* hope you stay with me and the storyline. I've heard nothing from Chandler Kelley up to today and I think it was a 'work for nothing' event, this assassination thing ... I did something and recieved nothing, it's kinda depressin

A new picture goes to the art section - my submission for the secret character assassination event was to kill Ian, one of the lead characters of NYC is like a graveyard, a nice and melancholic comic with furry art by Chandler Kelley - check it out, the story has the little something that you wish to come back to it.

I have now changed the lead design for the Night & Day-page and hope you'll like it - well, there were many weeks I thought about a major change in design but I just had no time to work on that. Now I had and that's the final version.
Notice I have added an 'events' page too, featuring the upcoming Historical Romance Comic Crossover I have introduced in the KeenSpace forum. The 'forum' link is not active yet, I'm waiting for my forum being created at

Added the archive page for a better overview of not-that-regular readers.
Have phun :)

Today's comic is a submisson for Online Comics Day, but the page will appear in 'art' as well 'cause I think it should be considered as fan art after the event is over. *smiles* Visit the main page for Online Comic's Day and the other artists - their comics are much fun :)

I did a new 'fanart' for Al Schroeder's 'Mindmistress', a super heroine online comic - he asked fellow artists to redraw some of the older pages of his comic and I took this as a challenge to my style. Check out if I got it ;)

phactorri's 'decypher' gave us a nice cameo - go and check out Isahn getting a cup of coffee here *smiles* hey, my first cameo ever - and she speaks german. Never knew Isahn has that many talents ^^ *dances* *happy*
And some shameless vote begging - if you like this comic, please give me your 'click' on the vote buttons under the current pages. We need to get known :) more readers, more extras ... ^^

Back to business, folks. Well, inked four new pages and have to color them, but wednesday this week there will be a new comic :) And there's an announcement to my loyal readers *smiles* I'm going to participate on Online Comics Day, this will be the first 'non-storyline' strip in here. So head to the 5th of may and stay tuned.
Joined the SciFiSpace-Dropdown, finished the 'Keen Heroines' Dropdown Page.

Spring break - no, not the funny way of, sorry. I need some time to get stuff finished for university, so there will be a small break of one or two weeks up to 19-04-2004 maximum. Hope you don't mind it, real life is sometimes just more important than comics..

Added a fanart for Lars Havemann's 'Rick Saturo', a great and funny comic I like very much since several months. Hope he's updating soon more stuff of Rick and the other cast.

You can't believe how happy I am - three days after the 76. Academy Awards I won a kind of an award myself. Well, it is no statue, and Billy Crystal won't make jokes about my work, but Ping of 'The Jaded' made Night and Day featured Link of the month - so go and visit her comic, read the archive if you haven't started the storyline yet, and support her if you like her work - I'm so happy and thankful! *smiles* What a day! It can't be better!
As you can see, Night and Day now has a small messageboard for short messages - if you want to, use it :) and sorry for this pop-up advertisement, the tagboard service is for free .. oh well .. I think we have to accept the not-as-nice things to get the service. *smiles* As usual. Some other new things you'll find on the 'art' page - have fun with the new banners & wallpapers! :) Alex, my co-autor, also gave a comment to the comic on our 'artists' page - the other side of the creative process.

I'm so sorry - the comic has not updated two times, and it was my fault, indirectly. The german telecommunication company Telekom, our internet and telephone provider, cutted me and my boyfriend off - an employee mistook our connection number with those of a canceling customer and we had to wait several days to get a new one. Being without telephone is like living in the middle ages ...well, next update shows up sunday, 08-02-2004. Hope you like it :)

Happy new year! And with page 4 of Night & Day there comes some more art - in this new section I'm going to collect all other stuff aside the main story line.
Asarea *not even drunk*

Finally, all is uploaded and working. I'm so happy you can't imagine! I never would have thought in summer 03 that I would have my own comic space here,
but now all work is done.
A big THANX to Phalanx and all the other helpers in Keenspace - Help Center for encouraging and searching for my evil mistakes, you're great!
Asarea *just happy*

Night and Day is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

"Night & Day", all its characters, webpage and images are the creations of
Gloria H. Manderfeld and are protected under copyright law.
Please do not reproduce without permission.